Student council

The Húsaskóli Student Council aims to address student interests and welfare issues. The council addresses equality issues, food matters, housing, and other student-related concerns. It consists of seven students from all grades, with two serving on the school council. The Student Council meets regularly

Student suggestions welcome

Húsaskóli students can share suggestions for improvements or express satisfaction through a suggestion box located in front of the school office. The Student Council regularly reviews all submitted ideas and suggestions, directing them to the appropriate channels.

Teikning af Fjólu með vinkonu í frístund

Húsaskóli Student Council rules

  • The council is called the Húsaskóli Student Council.

  • The Student Council works to promote student interests and welfare.

  • The council must have at least eight representatives. Each grade level has one or two representatives.

  • To select representatives, homeroom teachers introduce the council to all students in the fall. Interested students volunteer, and elections are held within each grade level.

  • The council meets once before and once after New Year's.

  • Student Council representatives are expected to be role models and ready to work on behalf of their peers.

  • Student Council representatives bring issues for discussion at council meetings.

  • Student Council representatives address all issues raised.

  • Student Council representatives take turns chairing meetings.

  • One secretary is appointed to take minutes.

  • Student Council representatives may lose their position for inappropriate behavior during or outside meetings.